Salon Akron

Screens divide us. Without screens
we are more authentic and open.
Salon Akron IRL-Lose Your Screen.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a fee?

No fee.

How often are the gatherings?

Every two to three months. 

How does a gathering proceed?

The general pattern is:

Dinner Out >

Move to Salon Location >

"Prologue" with poetry readings, book readings, etc >

Break >

Feature "Dialogue">

"Epilogue" social >


Where do our gatherings take place?

99% of our gatherings take place at Salon Akron, a fixed location known only to attendees. 

Do I have to present?

No. If you're just here to absorb or engage in the dialogue, that is always welcome.

Can I present with a partner?


Are there any presenter incentives?

Yes! Presenters get on the seven-day "early invite" for life. Presenters also get to place up to three people on the "early invite" for their salon.

I like to write. Can I read a poem or short story?

Yes! We are always looking for people to participate in the "warmup." You can read something you wrote, or even just a passage from a book you love. You can do your reading as part of the "warmup" or as part of a larger feature presentation.

You can also submit your own writing for the Salon Journal here. Just be sure to say whether you want credit or to attribute it to Anonymous.

I like to sing or play an instrument. Can I do that?

Yes! Again, this could be done as part of the "warmup," or as part of a larger feature presentation.

Who picks our topics?

Our members.

Who presents our topics?

Our members and occasional guests.

What are the rules?

The first and foremost rule is civility. You can argue. You can debate. You can disagree. But you must, always, be civil.

The only other rule is follow the lead of the moderator. If a moderator asks for quiet, please quiet. If a moderator asks for more civility, give more civility. Etcetera. Follow the lead of the moderator.

What is the point?

Our first goal is to provide you with a presenter who is passionate about their subject. If they are passionate, you are more likely to connect and learn.

As an attendee, the more open minded you are, the better. Most topics are not going to be something you are not directly interested in. That is the idea. Broaden your mind and maybe discover a new passion of your own.

Our second goal is to provide you with a gathering of like-minded people. Like-minded in that they are open-minded. You may agree or disagree with the person next to you, but you must always agree or disagree civilly.

This is not social media. These are your friends and neighbors.

Who is invited?

Space is limited and the invite is exclusive. If you know someone who has attended, ask them to bring you. Or if you happened upon us by chance, ask us.

For any Salon you attend, you will be put onto the seven-day early invite for the following Salon.

Anyone not on the early invite will be included on the general invite that goes out after the early invite.